17thFebruary 1862 --- 11th November 1936
Last Updated on 2023
By Steven Ritchie
And now for the Music
New (4017)"Merrymakers Dance, (1900)". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
New (4016)"Pastoral Dance, (1900)". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
New (4015)"Country Dance, (1900)". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
(3675)"The Finale from A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
(3672)"Song and Ensamble, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
(3671)"Duet Puck and Butterfly with Chorus, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
(3494)"The Gipsy Dance, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie.
(1764)"Song by Joy, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie
(1613)"Trio (Nell, Puck & Jelf), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie
(1555)"Song No.2, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie
(1487)"Bridal March, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie
(1281)"Trio Song, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Steven Ritchie
(1280)"Puck Song No.2, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1178)"Kenna (Song No.2), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1108)"Act 2, Opening Chorus, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1063)"Finale to Act No.1, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1034)"Trio (Joy, Brook & Puck), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1001)"Song for Brook with chorus, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(1000)"Song (Jelf), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(961)"Kenna, (song), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(935)"Hornpipe, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(934)"Song (Nell), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(920)"Sextet song for six singers, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(874)"Duet (Joy - Brook), A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(874)"Song Puck with Chorus, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(849)"Oberon & Titania, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(830)"Opening Chorus, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(824)"Introdtion, A Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(713)"A Extract from (Torch Dance)". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(657)"Shepherds Dance". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
(622)"Morris Dance". Sequenced by Reginald Steven Ritchie
Thanks to Clifton Coles for the music below. Email (cliftoncoles@hotmail.com)
(2359)"Tom Jones". Sequenced by Clifton Coles. (2360)"Overture to Princess of Kensington". Sequenced by Clifton Coles. Thanks to Tony Matthews for the music below. Email (TonyM@absolutesolutions.co.uk)
(2296)"3 dances from Henry VIII". Sequenced by Tony Matthews.
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